Students must have a 2.0 grade point average and a C or above in the core academic classes in order to participate in school sports. Should a student's grade point fall below 2.0, the student and the parent may sign a contract promising that grades will be raised. Parent or guardian must arrange an appointment with the Assistant Principal to sign an academic probation contract. The contract will be valid until grades for the next grading period have been posted. A student may arrange only one contract per school year.
Students at RSMS have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of activities throughout the school year. These include:
Sports Teams - Volleyball, cross-country, basketball, baseball, softball and track. Students athletes must pass a sport's physical, maintain an average grade of 70% or higher in ELA and Math and conduct themselves in and out of sports activities in a way which does not threaten to harm or embarrass the school or any individual.
Music/Art - All grades participate in art and 8th graders only participate in music.
GREAT Program; SMART Program
Student Government - ASB (Associated Student Body) is the voice of the students. It consists of officers elected to serve their 8th grade year as well as representatives from 6th and 7th grade. The officers must satisfy the eligibility requirements. Under the leadership of the ASB Advisor, the ASB discusses solutions to student problems, approves the expenditure of ASB funds, sponsors fund raisers and many different special activities such as dances, rallies, lunch time activities and competitions for the students.
Life Program - Is one of our programs sponsored by West Hills Community College which is designed to provide students with fun, engaging, and educational support both before and after school. Students get homework support, participate in sports, crafts, cooking, field trips, and more. There is a team of well-trained people that come daily to give students an opportunity to have fun while learning in a safe environment. There is no cost to participate. Students can also receive intervention in Math and Language Arts to help master their grade level standards. Parent permission is required to participate and can be done by contacting the program director for an application.
School Dances - A student will not be admitted to a dance if they are absent from school the day of the dance. Student's name must be on an eligibility list to enter the dance.