
As your school prepares for 2025-26 TK/K enrollment, make sure you have resources to help incoming students meet immunization requirements.

Strategies to Consider: 

  • Review this

    free online training for school staff on immunization requirements.

    • Make sure you have the

      Guide to Immunization Requirements

      and the

      California Immunization Handbook

      (Blue Book) on hand.

    • Visit the

      CDPH Shots for School website

      for more implementation tools.

  • Request immunization records from families of all incoming TK/K students; let them know that immunization requirements must be met before the start of school.

  • Staff can use the School and Child Care Roster Lookup (


    ) to determine which students are up to date, conditional, or overdue for required immunizations.

Thank you for protecting the health of your students!