Here are some locations that you can visit for additional resources. These Web pages are maintained by a variety of groups. In some cases they are providing materials that we have seen before in a one stop shop. In others they are repackaging the information to make it more readily usable for students and staff. Please watch this page as we add more information during the year.

Technology: On October 10, 2008, Congress passed the Broadband Data Improvement Act (Senate Bill 1492). The new legislation adds requirements that schools, as part of their Internet safety policies, educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response. To meet the needs of our students, teachers are asked to present at least 2 lessons in Digital Citizenship each year.

Cybersmart!: CyberSmart! is now part of Common Sense Media. This free curriculum introduces Internet Safety and a variety of topics in grade level appropriate ways. CyberSmart is the adopted curriculum for the Reef-Sunset Unified School District.